De Niro a caccia di ville. Il divo ospite a Blevio

The myth of Lariowood collects another "pink" photographic showcase. It is not the first time that Robert De Niro - famous for his epic performances in films such as "Taxi Driver", "The Untouchables" and "Raging Bull" (the latter in particular earned him the Oscar for Best Actor) - have a relaxing and working holiday on the Lario. Now, however, the indiscretion is more tempting: the weekly magazine of costumes and current affairs "Eva Tremila" publishes the photos of the actor who last week spent a few days off at the Casta Diva Resort, the five-star luxury in Blevio built where he had his villa a star of the past, the opera singer Giuditta Pasta. Waiting to return to the set with the thriller "Candy Store", De Niro would be on the Lario, the periodical speculates, to follow in the footsteps of his colleague George Clooney, and would therefore be on the hunt for a luxury villa on the lake to increase even more privacy and being able to share the magic of a stay on the Italian lake most loved by VIPs with family and friends. This was reiterated by another weekly, "Oggi": according to which De Niro's presence could even be attributed to the intention to buy Villa Oleandra, Clooney's residence in Laglio. In Blevio the actor - who on "Eva Tremila" is immortalized with the hotel staff - would even have rented the entire complex for himself and part of his numerous family tribe: his wife Grace Hightower, his fifteen-year-old son Elliot and the little Helen, born two years ago.

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